Sunday, 14 August 2011


It's been a very long time since I scrapped. I've created lots of things over the past few months but I haven't actually made a scrapbook page for longer than I care to remember.
I've thought about it often enough, I've tidied my workspace, stroked my stash, even bought new stash but just not picked up paper, glue or scissors.
So I was delighted to catch a mention of this over at Shimelle's blog. Shimelle can always be relied upon for inspiration. She seems to be constantly dreaming up ways to kickstart the imagination. I don't know how she does it but I'm glad she does.
 At last then I've been inspired to pick up my mojo along with my photos and have been scrapping like a mad thing.
It's past time that I photographed and uploaded some of my efforts so - here is my first scrapbook layout for hmmmmmm....however many months and my response to the first challenge from Saturday (I will need to come back to Friday's challenges).
Sorry for the poor photo - I'm totally out of practise for taking photos of layouts.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Fun title lol. Love your borders x